Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ready! Okay!

I am not trying to be mean. Like.....I am totally Not Okay! Okay.... (insert flip of the ponytail here) I am wrestling with my conscience today. Haley starts pee wee cheer classes today and I am....well what's the word? Struggling! To help you understand I will paint the picture for you. I grew up with no brothers, my dad being very discouraged by this fact (Not us...just that there were no boys!) Treated us all like boys. I can't tell you how often I heard the phrase" You throw like a girl!" We actually had a shirt that said that on one side, and on the back said "exactly what did you think I was? " We grew up tomboys, completely covered in dirt, not wanting baths, playing with cars and Lego's completely not understanding "Girly girls" AT ALL!!! So you can understand my confusion when it comes to Haley. Her room is Pink! I mean.... hurt your eyes, pepto bismal pink. She loves girl things and despises anything that remotely looks like boy stuff.

Now back to the present! Her two goals in life as she tells everyone is to be a cheerleader.... and a mom. (We tell her as long as those follow the correct order that is fine) She has wanted to be a cheerleader since she could say the word. My stubborn tomboy side has been trying to convince her otherwise. Last year when she sat and picked flowers all through the season of soccer finally it convinced me that she would be happier doing other things! So I surrendered and signed her up for cheerleading. But now I am terrified that I am sending her down the path to "mean girl land" like she needs any encouragement at all. I do have some hope. My two best friends in high school were cheerleaders and drill team members and they weren't mean. But they were kind of the exception and not rule! Someone please tell me that just because this is all my small, precious, little daughter wants does not mean that she has the mutant gene required in most cases to be the mean cheerleader girl! Ugggg! Someone tell me when it's over! Like.... I am totally dreading it, For SURE!


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. I would not know how to deal with a super girly girl. I was a tomboy growing up too.
I knew several cheerleaders in HS that fall into the catergory you are fearing but the rest where some really good girls too.

Good Luck!!


Kati said...
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