Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Good bye 07

Okay... a new year a new leaf right! I've decided that in 2008 my family will not be sick (( well not nearly as much)) We ended 2007 with every member of the family with strep throat. The doctors didn't believe it when I kept telling him that little Avery had it too. I guess that it is really rare that babies under 2 get strep. Well.... as we all know extremely rare means nothing to me. In fact it means that it WILL probably happen to us because it is rare. So they kept telling me that babies did not get it.... so instead of fighting them I went home and got the baby brought her back to the office and said. Please swab her. So they did and of course the dr. came back into the shocked and said "she does have it!" Well, thanks for the news flash, now where's my prescription.

Now that all 5 of us are on antibiotics we supposedly aren't contagious anymore and we can get on with the holidays.... we had our brother and sister-in-laws staying here with the nephews. It has been really fun. The kids love it. Avery loves it fact she won't come anywhere near me! I am not kidding. I got up with her today since of course she was up before 7 since we stayed up late last night and this is what I got. Her crying and laying outside the door of my brother in law waiting for him to get up (( I am sure he loved this))

Uncle Thad..... Please come out!

So we had a great New Year's Eve. At least as good as can be had (It is NOT a favorite holiday of mine ) But we had GREAT food. Michael's only requirement was that we had FOOD, FOOD, and more FOOD) There is so much food in this house we could feed the teenage nephews for at least.... the REST of the Day that's saying A LOT! (He he he JK guys). We stayed up until midnight chatting. Well everyone else did. I am totally lame and I dozed in and out but was awake to say HAPPY NEW YEAR. I am now going to bed! (Remember I am barely getting over strep and so are the kids, that means no sleep for mommy) The draw of staying up until midnight is not there for me. I am regularly up until midnight and beyond. I would much rather be sleeping any day ( Like I said, stupid Holiday I know a man with no small children thought this one up just because he wanted to kiss a girl! My feelings, let's kiss at 10:00 and say happy new year in the morning, because notice it was only me who was up at 3:00 with the 4 year old and up again at 6:30 with the baby! Stupid Holiday! ) Anyway...aside from my feelings on the holiday we had a really good time. So happy NEW YEAR EVERY ONE!


Kati said...

I am hoping for a healthy 2008 for your family! Seriously...if the bug is out there...somehow you guys catch it...Sorry you were sick for this holiday too! Strep is NO FUN!!!!
Glad everyone is doing a little better!

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys have a heathly year too! I have to agree about the whole midnight thing. This is the first year in a long time I was up until midnight. It really wasn't that exciting. I was asleep by 12:05.

Happy New Year!!