Monday, February 18, 2008

Never Fear.... the Super Hero's are here!

Well... we have a new favorite super hero at our house (or at least for the day) This would be the Red power ranger (Doesn't he look like he's calling you out? You wanna piece of me punk?) Who knows why the red power ranger is the leader but he is! So sleep soundly all of you people in Saratoga Springs... Dylan the Red Power Ranger is here. Pay no attention to the "Cars" shirt that just helped with the Red outfit (or so I'm told). Dylan the Red Power Ranger and his cousin Landen "Batman" had a great time this afternoon protecting ALL from evil! I love their imagination, and the outfits of course!


Anonymous said...

I know I feel much safer knowing these Super Heroes are on the job.
Grandpa David

Kati said...

You know that...
Dylan+any costume=
my favorite thing ever!

I can't wait until it warms up and I can have him ringing my door bell, with a new costume everyday.

Anonymous said...

Iwill sleep much better tonight knowing I have a super hero up the street. =) Way cute boys


Anonymous said...

I love all the different costumes that he comes up with. Love Tam