Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Merry Christmas to everyone! We had a great Christmas day. The kids are still in their pj's and it's 5 o'clock. That tells you we had a great day. The kids slept in (well for them anyway) 7:30 on Christmas morning. That was a life saver considering poor little Avery started throwing up last night about 2:00 and continued every 20 min or so until 5:30. Needless to say Mommy is tired today. Luckily I got a 2 hour nap (Merry Christmas to me). But this is how my day went today. Kids wake up.... open presents... for 2 hours (is that even possible?) Then we played with toys until ummm... now! This is what my house looks like! I took a picture so none of you would think I'm exaggerating. I am sure if you have small kids yours looks the same too ( at least for my sanity I hope it does!)

Haley got her Holiday barbie and she was more than excited that Santa really brought her what she wanted.

Santa left Dylan a note explaining that he ran out of (my size motor cycles and hoped that these cool little cars would be okay. Dylan LOVES his, I guess all is forgiven! I took some video of the kids playing with them. Sorry if you can't see them. The basement is really dark in the morning so it is kind of hard to see.

Well there you have it. Christmas morning in a nutshell at the Cozart's Merry Christmas to everyone, I truly hope you and your family have been as happy and blessed as we feel today!


Anonymous said...

That picture of Haley opening her barbie is too cute!! Glad you had such a great day. My house looks alot like yours so don't feel bad. I was having to much fun with my new Christmas stuff to clean it up!!
You guys are great neighbors, I am so glad we have gotten to know you better


Kati said...

Merry Christmas! I am so glad that your kids had such a great day! Haleigh got dressed...but the boys stayed in pj's all day! Thanks for being such great neighbors!
We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the postings it is almost like being there. We love and miss you all. Love, Mom