Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why.... Wednesday

I have a few "why is it that......" maybe some of you will know the answers to.

Why is it that..... visiting teachers always show up when your house is a huge mess (because you forgot they were coming) even though 20 min before hand it was spotless?

Why is it that the baby doesn't throw up on your duvet cover until it's clean and only been back on your bed for about 30 sec?

Why is it that you can wash every piece of clothing in the house but nobody has anything to wear?

Why is it that you never remember about that really REALLY great coupon or gift card until the day after it expired?

Why is it that it is supposed to snow tomorrow.... come on it's March! Seriously..... Why?

Why is it that once you have a really fun date with your husband planned you cannot find a babysitter anywhere?

You know I could go on like this forever! These are just a few of my most pressing questions of the day. So how bout it? Any answers for me?


Anonymous said...

Murphy's law -- I blame it all on him!!!!


When is your date? If it is not friday night I may be able to babysit for you. Call me.

Anonymous said...

I'm with your friend Christina... I can clean all day long have the house spotless and be so proud of myself.... then go into the kitchen and fix a sandwitch and have the bread or knife covered in mustard fall on the just cleaned floor... then it starts to rain and the boys track in mud all over and the house never even looks like I touched it.... But, deep down I know I did! So I let it go until next week to do it all over again. Love you, Tam

jenn said...

Isn't it ironic? Welcome to my life...I'm glad I'm not the only one.