Sunday, March 16, 2008


This weekend was bitter sweet. My family and I were assigned the job of going to Ogden and rummaging and dividing all of my grandmothers things. She is not doing very well and has decided to move into an assisted living apt. This one bedroom apt is obviously much smaller than her previous 4 bedroom home so we needed to clear it out in order to sell it for her. I had been dreading this job all week! I tried to think of every reason in the world that would allow me to sleep at night without actually having to do the job. But with no luck! I dutifully made the trek with all of the other family members and we tried to sort through the 40+ years worth of treasures that my grandma had lovingly kept. The worst part of this whole thing for me was the fact that she was there with us. She was happy to be giving her grandchildren all of her stuff but for me I HATED it. I was worried all day how she was feeling and if she was okay (I would of been an emotional wreck) She assured me many many times she was fine but I came home feeling very torn and sad. Before this post gets anymore depressing I will get to the point.

This weekend was a reminder of how little all the "stuff" we collect really means in the end. Not one person was there for the STUFF we were there helping someone we loved that means a lot to us. One of the few things I took with me was this sugar egg that as a kid I loved to stare into for hours. I was fascinated by this thing. I asked if anyone minded if I took the egg nobody did... but everyone said "can I look in the egg.... I used to love this thing" I am sure you've all seen one of these. This one has sentimental value for me and I'm happy to be entrusted with it. Even though it was an incredibly long and emotional day (for me at least) I only can hope that when I am old and need my family that they will all be there for me too. Family really is the only thing that matters in the end.

This is the egg from the outside. This thing is old and all made of sugar which means it's very fragile. I will try my best but I cannot guarantee it's safety in a house like mine.

This is the view from the inside. I couldn't get a good shot because the opening is so small and the camera wanted to focus on all the wrong spots (I know... I know... operator malfunction but I am still learning) But this is the little sugar bunny and you can almost see the grass and the flowers inside too. Aren't these things fun! I am sure you've seen them before right?


Tausha said...

you are a good granddaughter. i am sure that she was so happy to have you and your sisters there to help her out. I am thinking that she too, had a really hard time with going through everything. I know that when my grandma died, i was crushed! it was so hard when we had to go through her stuff, i wish that i could have had the opportunity to go throught it with her and hear her stories that went along with all of her things. So, treasure your time with her, make as many memories as you can. You will be glad that you did! Luv ya PS thanks for the sympathy.

Anonymous said...

There are a few specific things I wish I had from my grandmother. I should have spoken up and told her I wanted them but I was afraid that was kinda morbid to ask of her "hey when you are dead can I have this" Now I wish I had. It was good of you to day something. I really doubt she minded -- she was probably happy to have it go to her granddaughter.


PS Cute egg!!

Anonymous said...

You are a girl after my own heart I'm with you, we should be greatful for the memories that we have made here and hope they are good ones. All we will be allowed to take with us, is those anyhow... So many of us need to remember that! We are not born to be given anything that our other family members have worked for, it is not our right... it's theirs. I'm with you on wanting something to help me remember the good family times because sometimes the only memories we have are bad or unhappy ones, why make it worse? Everyone of your family members said that they remembered looking into that egg when they were younger.... but, you were the only one to see it for the treasure it really is.... I love you for that! Tam