Saturday, April 26, 2008


Well the bags are all pack (I think). We are headed out for what is sure to be a very memorable occasion. As long as the majority of the memories are happy ones I will call it a success. Wish me luck! A week long vacation with all sisters, their husbands, and kids (6 kids total 5 under the age of six!!!! Whoa I think we're all crazy! ) it will be interesting. If California blows up no worries it's just us. See ya soon. I promise to bring back lots of pictures! : )

1 comment:

Tausha said...

I am sure that your trip rocked. Since you will read this post when you get home-i am writing in past tense. DIsneyland is the best place ever. MY next trip- I am going to go without my kids! That is how much I love it1