Well this Easter was just as GREAT as always. I love Easter!!! We always have such a good time. My little ones love....love.... love hunting for eggs! Then you add cousins and grandparents and candy and it's one of the best days of the year!

Soooooo.... much fun. We have the cutest baskets but forgot them (way to go mom) so we used the ever so handy grocery bag. The kids didn't even care as long as they could hold the loot then they were happy! We put fun little prizes in the eggs instead of candy (we have way too much of this around already)

Yes! I can't tell what she had but obviously it was just what she wanted!

She insisted on wearing this beanie all weekend! Outfits had to be coordinated beforehand knowing she would not take it off! I have never seen a 1 year old so obsessed with hats!

She loved looking for eggs... she was really good at it too. She held her own even with the big kids!

After the egg hunt there was bubble blowing

She L...O...V....E....D the bubbles!

Way to go Garrett! That's a good bubble

Horse riding (always a favorite)

Riding four wheelers (Haley is so proud... she is finally old enough to learn how to ride by herself and give rides to the younger cousins! This is the same four wheeler I drove when I was her age (they don't make em like they used to!) We used to pull each other around with skates on and a jump rope around our waist (really smart..... yesh it's a wonder we're even alive)

Everyone got kites with their baskets from Grandpa. They of course wanted to fly them right away..... but can you believe that there are places in the world where the wind doesn't blow near as much as around our house?! Now what?

Well you get on a four wheeler and make your own wind.... Like I said good times! I LOVE EASTER