Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tomboy all the way

I was looking through my email trying to clear out all the junk, I came across this old funny email that I had. You might have seen it already but it makes me laugh every time so I thought I would share.

This one makes me laugh because I SOOoooo wish that I could could ride this slide. For all of you that are doubting this statement, really, I LOVE this kind of stuff. My sisters and I grew up daring each other to jump from the roof to the trampoline etc. etc. In college there was thing... at these guys house in my ward. (vague huh!) It was called the human sling shot. It was essentially just some HUGE bungee cords strung between two telephone polls with a repelling harness attached to it. 4 or 5 guys would pull this cord down to the ground long enough for some dumb fool, such as myself to climb on and strap in. Then they would pull you back as far as the cord would stretch and let you go. I know, I am pretty lucky I'm not dead. Last I heard I was still the only girl that had done something.... I can't remember now, but I think it was something like ridding it backwards, up side down, and in the dark. Okay, not really but you get the picture. So this awesome slide in this video totally brings back nostalgia for me. If there are any of you out there smart enough to figure out all the angles and geometry of all this. I will be your ginny pig and ride it. Any takers.


Anonymous said...

When my boys get older I am officially never leaving them alone for 10 days!!!! They are never going to see this video either. :)

I am impressed with the geometry and such. I would probably go down something like that too :)

Stacie said...

I'm down with ya... I call second. That rocks... I just hope that I wouldn't break my arm...again. Seriously though those guys didn't figure out the angles and stuff they probably just slapped everything together and tacked on comments onto the video...come on their college guys...lets not give them too much credit...either way I'm still game. :)

Kati said...

I'm with Christina...My first thought was
"Well...I'm never leaving my boys home for 10 days!"

I will definitely come and watch!