Saturday, July 26, 2008

What can you get for 15 bucks?

So 15 bucks.... what do you think you could get for that. Lunch for the kids at McDonald's. A gallon of gas, maybe! A couple of grocery's......

I'll tell ya what you could get if you were a savvy garage sale junky like myself. Here's what I got (I was gonna take a picture of all this but the kids dove right in and scattered them all throughout the house) So here's my list

1 new tricycle...excellent condition (pink and purple and perfect for Avery)
1 Helmet (so she doesn't scramble her brains while she learns to ride her new bike)
2 baskets (both have been spray painted already and put up for decorations)
15 kids books 4 of which are those cute pop up ones from Costco
1 little people tree house complete with people
1 Hungry Hungry Hippos board game. (We've had it for an hour and it's already been played 4 times)
1 snail teeter totter (the cute little ones you find at Ikea)
1 laundry sorter (the kind with 2 compartments to sort your lights and darks.... yah like my 4 year old is gonna do that! )
1 purple barbie car (convertible of course)
1 dinosaur the eats people and all sorts of things and roars while he does it.

Pretty sweet huh! I love yard sales. It makes me smile to know I can get stuff for .25 or a 1$ that the kids are gonna love. I love that I don't have to pay full price.

I mean lets face it. The second any brand new toy comes out of the box they are usually already hammered ( at least at my house they are) so I don't mind buying something already used that just needs a quick wipe down.

All in all it was a good yard sale day. 15 bucks well spent I'd say!


Anonymous said...

That is soooo impressive!!!! Lots of stuff for only $15.

Tausha said...

gotta love garage sales! i was too lazy to get out of my bed today to go. Maybe next week. Who am i kidding, i need to have a garage sale, not buy more stuff!
The cupcakes are baked in the microwave. They really do cook. I watched them cook one on tv and then frost it and then immediately eat it. No swap outs. If I hate it and it doesn't work like its supposed too then I can send it back. No harm done. That is why I love qvc!
You are a big fat jerk! (ha, hows that for memories) You didn't go to the cabin this weekend. You so could have come down and played. No big deal-I don't have any feelings! :) Come and see what I did this weekend. Gotta love that spray paint!

jenn said...

Way to go! I'm so impressed. I've got to learn how to do that yard sale thing someday...

Anna B said...

PLEASE take me with you next time. I love to garage sale, but have not done it since we have lived here.

Jessica said...

Way to go! And I thought your most amazing talent was making dinners! I get surprises everytime I hear from you.