So we had an eventful weekend how bout you? First it was the 4th of July. Always a favorite around here! We didn't do much in the day. I know, I know, we should do all the parades and "stuff" but we went to McDonalds and let the kids play over breakfast and called it good.
We did have an all American BBQ at our house later that night and it was fun. This seems to have become somewhat of a tradition around here. BBQ then fireworks with all the neighbors. We should do a BIG fireworks show one day but we have so much fun at home what's the point?
Here are a few shots from the night.

Dylan L O V E D the sparklers. Of course he did. Someone hands you a stick of fire and tell you YEP ! You can play with it. Isn't that what little boys dreams consist of ?

Then we had the traditional gathering of neighborhood friends for our annual fireworks in front of the house! The kids love it. GOOD TIMES!
Then of course the next day was Avery's birthday. So we opened presents and went swimming and out for nuggets.

This is Avery's face when she opened her very own curious George AKA "unkey" doll that giggles when you tickle it. Needless to say she loved it.

She also got this! Her very own set of wheels! Too bad she has no idea what the handle bars are for. So sad..... she got her mother's sense of driving. You don't earn the nickname "crash Cozart" for nothing. Good to know the legacy still lives on!

Now.... all of you know that I had very grand intentions of birthday cakes for this little girls this year. However after days of partying I was just feeling kinda yucky, plus we had 2/3 of a giant chocolate cake( from Costco... need I say more?) left in the fridge from the night before. So we went for the easy way out. Cupcakes. I know, I know, a far cry from a Curius George and big yellow had cake but who cares anyway right? She's 2! Plus she loved helping out with the cupcakes. So it turned out to be a good thing!
Now on to the family party. (whew.... is anyone else getting tired yet?)

We played in the water, that is the usaual theme around our house, but if it ain't broke... don't fix it. Wouldn't you say?

These two are such great friends. They L O V E it when we get together!

This is my super cute little nephew! This kid is so buff! I swear he's got more muscle than me. And that's saying a lot !!! ; )

Some of us got a little bit grumpy after such a hard day playing. Doesn't she look like she's calling you out? What you looking at punk?
So...... SO..... SOooooo much fun! Lot's of work but well worth it. We'll do it all again in a bout a year!
Ya, we do the neighborhood thing also.. we have a lot of fun doing that instead of going with all the people. Sounds like you had fun. Love ya.
Love the pictures! They look great.
That last picture of Haley seriously COULD NOT look any more like Michael!
He has that look all the time.
Love ya Mikey.
ok-she so looks like Michael in the pic with the spatula! I have never seen that in the pics before!!
Sonds fun and tiring! U have to do it in about 2 days!!can't wait until tonight!!
I am tired from your weekend!! Haley is jsut to cute for words, love the one with the spatula. :)
The kids are cute when they are doing anything! At least that's what I think. Your backyard looks to die for in that picture. You should look twice.
You are doing so great with your camera...some really great pics there!
Glad you had a fun 4th and b-day party. Your little girl is so adoreable....can't believe she's 2!
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