Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Spoiled..... Yep that's me!

Okay, in the last few weeks I've found out that I really LOVE having some time for myself. I am not one who shys away from something if I have to do it alone. But also... having said this I have to admit that there's is something about spending time with the girls. Growing up I had 3 sisters and that was enough girl time for me. I had a few select friends that I hung out with but for the most part I would rather be with the guys. Plain and simple, tell it like it is.... that is totally my style.

In the last few weeks I've come to appreciate the something special that comes from hanging out with a small group of girl friends. I was told by a friend that I've been spoiled lately with my extra amounts of me time. Whether that be hanging out with my hubby on some really great dates. Going to dinner with my old college roommates or doing some shopping with some old friends. I even went to see a movie with gals from the ward. It WAS SO FUN!!!!!

I guess what I'm trying to say is I do feel really thankful for all the extra time I've had lately for time to be me. Whether that be alone, with my spouse who I love, or the girls I adore. I think everyone deserves to be a little spoiled sometimes. It doesn't usually last long I am going to enjoy it while I can. To all the girls I named above thanks for showing me such a great time :)


Kati said...

yeah...I could have made it MO BETTA. Next time sister. Next time.
You are spoiled. Me...I am in the dumps right now with "me time". It just doesn't happen around here lately.
BUT, I am glad you are having fun. You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

We did have soooooo much fun!!! Me time is so important -- it helps you be a better mom and wife!! We need to do that again soon!!

PS I am still singing the songs from teh movie -- I do it better than Pierse Brosnan!! :)

Anna B said...

I'm guessing you got to go see Mama Mia??? I'm glad you are getting so much "Me Time". With older kids at home I am loving just going to the store by myself.

jenn said...

I say girl time is mandatory. It makes you a better mom, wife, woman, etc... So keep on spoilin'!

Tori said...

Thank you for bringing to my attention how lucky we are to get this time. I'm sure there are others who are less fortunate in this area. I'm glad that we can have an occasional girls night together and I am glad we are friends.