Ahhhhh.... what can I say about picture day? It is totally a necessity because of the young little children we have around here. I guess that I better document what they looked like while they are young, but I dread picture day with every fiber of my being from the second that picture day is done right up until it happens again almost exactly a year later. Now some people tell me that I should have more pictures taken more often... to this I say you must be the people with no children to dress, bribe and threaten to behave while you are getting these taken. This year my very very amazing neighbor was nice enough to take our pictures for us so I thought it would be a little less stressful. (( which it kind of was I guess)) but Haley was hungry and not happy that I made her wear the sweater she was wearing so she was being incredibly difficult. Needless to say it was a long tedious 30 min. Luckily my neighbor is so talented that she got some really cute shots! However we are saving those for presents. I can show you the other shots that make me laugh and want to strangle the kids at the same time.
This is Dylan sticking a stem of a leaf into Avery's mouth. There are about 3 frames prior of him slowly sticking into her mouth ( and this is the end result)
Even through the tears and grumpy faces! We got some really CUTE pictures! Thanks a million Kati!!!!! What would we ever do without you!