Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How about a smile?

You know how they say that a pictures worth a thousand words? Sometimes I think they are worth more than that, like a million bucks! I love the pictures that make you smile every time you see them. These are just a few from the past week or so that make me smile.

Dylan flying thru the air in his trademark cannon ball tuck! This kid can get some serious distance!

Now he's doing his newest trick. A flip into the pool. If this is what he does at 4 I shudder to think how crazy he'll be when he's a teenager.

Haley jumping into the pool..... This one cracks me up. Only Haley could strike a pose in mid air

See what I mean about striking a pose? That's Haley for ya.

This one is just funny..... I didn't take it. I have no idea who did. It was just on my camera one day. For all I know she took it herself (it wouldn't even surprise me)

Avery calls all animals a cow. Everything! Cats, dogs, bugs! I think she does this just to bug me. But when we were looking at Halloween costumes she kept saying cow. I thought she was talking about the girafee costume in my hand but she was really talking about this little cow costume. We had to have it. Look how excited she is to be a cute little cow for Halloween.

I dare ya to look at Avery toddeling away with her cute fat cow bum and not smile. Seriously, I dare ya!

Check out Haley's headband! It totally looks like a bad 80's flashback. It wasn't even planned. It just slipped down when they were sliding.

I was cleaning the carpets today and this is what I found when Dylan told me proudly to come and see what he did. He then happily proceeds to tell me he "painted" Avery for Halloween. (Doesn't she look great he says?) No buddy..... Great is not the word I had in mind. Plus it wouldn't come off. Avery looks like she has blue eye shadow on because we could only get part of it off.

So this is just a few of the funny moments around here in the last week. As you can see, we've been busy, but at least we were having fun.


Stacie said...

Those are great pictures! They make me laugh.

Tausha said...

I love the face that Avery pulled-so thrid child classic! ALso-the cow bum-your right how could one not at least smile at that picture!
What we do without digital camera's? It wasn't that long ago-oh think WAY back to high school and college!
So long ago! Are you starting to feel old you 30 year old you!

Anonymous said...

Yup I smiled!! Especially at the cute cow butt!! Tiffany got the giraffe one and I smile at her giraffe butt!! (Don't ya just LOVE Costco?)

Anonymous said...

That was great I needed a good laugh... I love the art work of Dylan's. Hope all is well. Love Tam

Jessica said...

Yes, great pics! Love the butt, love love the "let's get physical" headband (do you even remember Olivia Newton John?) and how do you grow the cute, crazy, daring kids? My kids would cry on the swings!